National Exposure Testing is one of the largest corrosion testing laboratories in Ohio. We specialize in Salt Spray, Cyclic Corrosion, CASS, Humidity, Fillform, and Kesternich testing.
Proficiency Program
We are now accepting enrollment for the Proficiency Program.
To register please click here and fill out our registration form.
Proficiency Program [now accepting enrollment]
Available Programs
PT117 ASTM B117 Salt Spray
PT368 ASTM B368 CASS Test
PT14872 GMW14872 Exterior Cyclic Corrosion
PT523 ASTM D523 60° Specular Gloss
PT7091 ASTM D7091 Dry Film Thickness
General Information
Proficiency testing is an external method for assuring a laboratory’s accuracy in the performance of a specific test method. Results are compared with other laboratories in a manner that assures confidentiality. The program is open to anyone wishing to participate.
Subscription Information
Each test program is conducted twice per year. The price for each program is in U.S. dollars and includes all samples for a full year of participation. NET will allow for partial-year subscription on a pro-rated basis. Subscriptions will be accepted on an ongoing basis until the final round samples have been shipped. Contact our office for further details.
Shipping is included on all domestic orders. International orders will require additional charges to be determined at the time of subscription. See section on International Orders.
Billing Information
Participation is on a prepaid basis. Samples will not ship until payment has been received.
NET accepts major credit cards, checks, or purchase orders made out to National Exposure Testing. Payment terms are net 30 days from invoice for domestic customers. Payment is required via wire transfer or credit card for international customers and will include an international handling fee, if paid via wire transfer. Credit card transactions are subject to a 4% service charge.
International Orders
All international participation is welcome. However, we cannot be responsible for samples that are not allowed or delayed entry into your country.
Some countries may impose duties or taxes. It is the responsibility of the recipient to pay those charges. Shipping charges will be added to subscription fee at the time of subscription. All samples will be marked “No commercial value”.
Cancellation Policy
Due to the lead-time required for preparation of samples, we ask that labs send us notification as soon as possible if they are unable to participate in programs for which they are presently enrolled.
Full Refund – Cancellation notice received by NET 30 days prior to expected start of program.
80% Refund – Cancellation notice received by NET 15 days prior to expected start of program.
No Refund – Cancellation notice received after specimens have been shipped to participating lab.
Additional Information
The number of participants in each program will vary. Test offerings are subject to cancellations by NET if subscription levels are not sufficient. A refund will be issued to the participants of the cancelled program.
Test Administration
In order to assure confidentiality, participants will be issued a unique customer code upon receipt of their enrollment package. This customer code will be provided to the customer with the distribution of test samples.
Various aspects of the proficiency testing statistical analysis are subcontracted. When this occurs, it is performed by a competent subcontractor and NET is responsible for this work.
Sample Distribution
Test packages for all programs will be shipped at the end of February and August. Each subscriber will receive a test package containing the test samples and procedures for the selected test(s). NET will use UPS to assure your samples arrive in a timely manner. Contact NET as soon as possible if you receive a package with damaged or otherwise suspect samples.
Submission of Results
Results should be reported on the form provided with the package. Your data may be submitted via mail or email by the due date shown on the form. The due date will vary by program.
Your cooperation in returning your results in a timely fashion is critical to the success of the test program. NET requires that the test results be returned by the date listed in the package. Late data will not be included in the final report. Final reports will mail at the end of June for the first round and the end of December for the second round.
For an additional charge of $75.00, an addendum report will be provided to participants unable to submit their data on time but still able to provide data within 30 days after the date required. This report will provide the original data and statistics as provided to all participating companies along with an indication of the late entry’s data. The original data and report will remain unchanged, including any third party statistical analysis.
Final Report
A summary report for each test method is sent indicating your results along with the results of other participating labs.
Test Administration
Please select the tests in which you wish to participate. Enclose your subscription form with the appropriate fee. Pay close attention to the deadlines for each test. After your subscription form and fee have been processed, a confirmation of your order will be emailed.
NET will send your sample package at the appropriate time, allowing you ample time to prepare the specimens and have any further questions answered. Please return your results in a timely manner.
A summary report will be sent to each participant after results have been tabulated. The results will not be made public and participants are responsible for submitting their results to their respective accreditation bodies, if applicable.